Cell phone blocker sale - my cell phone says no service
Google is reportedly planning to launch a less-expensive version of its Pixel smartphone in an effort to boost its retail presence in India and other developing markets. The Economic Times reports that the “mid-range” Pixel would be rolled out in July or August. The publication cited “four senior industry executives” familiar with meetings hosted by Google in the U.S., the U.K. and Malaysia last month. India is a rapidly growing smartphone market, and Google intends to increase its marketing and distribution in the country in hopes of competing with Apple and Samsung. Those companies’ smartphone sales dwarf Google’s, but the tech giant hopes its initial efforts in hardware will eventually pay off. Google reportedly expects to offer its smart speakers, Pixelbook laptop, Nest-brand home automation products and WiFi devices in India as well. The report added that the next full-price Pixel could be introduced later this year. The Pixel 2 debuted in October, accompanied by an aggressive marketing blitz, at an initial price of $850.
cell phone blocker sale
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