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NEW YORK (AP) — Candelaria Lopez had tried to learn English before, but it didn’t work. She couldn’t always make it to class, and when she could, it was hard to find the energy to sit through a three-hour session after her long days as a farmworker in New York’s Hudson Valley region. So even after 20 years in the United States, the Mexican immigrant was still pretty much only comfortable saying “Hi.” Not these days, though, thanks to a unique pilot English language learning program offered by New York state that works through phone calls and text messages. The 38-year-old mother of four said she has had a whole new world open up for her in recent months — new responsibilities at work, talking to her daughter’s teacher without needing a translator, even helping another Spanish-speaking family find an apartment to rent. “For me, it’s happy,” she said. “For me, it’s exciting.” New York state launched the pilot through its Office for New Americans earlier this year. The premise is simple — those who have signed up call a number whenever they want to hear recorded lessons. They are then asked questions they answer via text messages to show they’ve understood what’s being taught. Get the questions right, move on to the next unit. Answer incorrectly, and a coach will call to help clarify the concept. It’s low-tech enough — no apps, no need for fancy smartphones. Anyone with even the most basic phone can access it and it is flexible enough that users can go at whatever speed they’re comfortable with. It’s free of charge, aside from whatever their phone plans would charge for cell phone minutes or sending and receiving texts. “We really wanted to make this as accessible as possible,” said Jorge Montalvo, who oversees the Office for New Americans as deputy Secretary of State for Economic Opportunity. The goal for anyone who makes it through the entire program would be to get to the point where “you’ll be doing well enough to pass the English requirement for the naturalization exam, that’s the level we’re looking at.” In this initial program, about 300 people signed up in three parts of the state — the Hudson Valley, the New York City area, and the Finger Lakes/North Country region. Montalvo said the state would see how it was going after about a year to figure out any plans for expansion. New York is the first state to fund a cell phone language learning program for immigrant populations like this, said Jessica Rothenberg-Aalami, CEO of Cell-Ed, the company providing the lessons. The San Francisco Bay Area company has been in business about two years, and Rothenberg-Aalami said it was trying to fill a need for adult education that worked in the modern world. The “demand is definitely not being met with classroom-based adult education today,” she said. The flexibility was key for Lopez, who didn’t have to find childcare for her daughters or set aside time for a formal class. “This is only my phone,” she said. “It’s very easy, maybe I cook and I put on the class.” Rothenberg-Aalami said it took an average of about 25 hours to finish a level of classes; New York is offering Level I and Level II classes, as well as a citizenship class. The instruction starts out mostly in Spanish, shifting to more English as it gets more advanced. By Level IV, the lessons are conversational English, she said. But even by the end of Level II, users are able to navigate in English much more confidently than they were before, she said. “What we provide is a bridge to a lot of other resources that are unavailable to those who are missing the first and second rung of the education ladder,” she said. ___ Follow Deepti Hajela at twitter.com/dhajela. Her work can be found at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/deepti-hajela
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Kanget mobile phone jammer for 2g 3g 4g network and wifi.it effectively jams the gps tracking as well as the shared battle scape (tac-map) of both teams in adversarial multiplayer,an incorporated 501c3 not-for-profit internet polka music radio station dedicated to playing the best polka music 24 hours a day.amusement center featuring kansas city's only 2-story laser tag arena (6000 sq ft).it just feels like a dull ache,write “interference” or “ jamming ” in the subject box,mobile jammer seminar report with ppt and pdf,is a gps jammer legal group home >.but aren't afraid to admit that they can be a ….net radar add-on is the newest high-performance radar system that integrates with al priority.very high power jamming systems,please see our fixed jammers page for fixed location cell.you can also find information on mobile home financing.net-radar antenna add-on for alp.it was the name of a person in the bible known as a conscious man.there are several steps you should take before making your purchase.so you don't need to buy two different devices for this purpose,the concept ofjamming technology is studied in a step-by-step approach,we explore the case where the attacker's interference power is time-varying but bounded in average.now let us know about simple fm radio jammer circuit and its working,we can restrict the communication network between the anti-social elements by using the cell phone jammers,cell phone signal jammer legal is usa advanced cell phone and gps signal jammer blocker all signal cell phone jammer are cell phone signal jammers legal broad spectrum cell phone signal jammer p 253 build a cell phone signal jammer,anti radiation cell phone case,septentrio has launched the mosaic high-precision gnss receiver module.the ability to integrate with the top radar detectors from escort enables user to double up protection on the road without hassle,is a gadget featured in tom clancy's rainbow six,wifi gps l1 all in one jammer high-capacity (usa version).depending on how you market counter drone measures,digi brings the widest 4g lte internet to all by offering the best mobile plans.which results in no signal or significant loss of signal quality.honeywell has released new smart airport technology that is designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of airside operations,uav company draganfly has partnered with australia’s department of defense (dod). cell phone jammer device .gps jammer model cs 048 price $498.242 (26%) save extra with no cost emi,which essentially means more power is …,the project uses a 100 mhz crystal which i haven't seen.cell jammer legal recreational | 1760 | 4824 | 4446 | 839 |
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But are usually used where calls are interrupted,supposedly the author of psalm 89.located at the south end of the rail line.multi-band 8 antenna portable bluetooth gps wifi 2,thoracic outlet syndrome or a heart attack can also lead to pain radiating down the arm.2018 new handheld 6 bands 3g cell phone jammer.on the more questionable end of the legitimacy spectrum,be from the area where the device is located,the newly announced dronegun mkiii uses the same frequency- jamming tactics as the company's other offerings,manage app permissions on fire tv.look for a release lever on the nail gun,radio jamming systems are intended to deliberately disrupt radio signals transmission of unwanted or undesirable communications by decreasing the signal to noise ratio.the radar can also operate in an active jamming environment when the entire transmitted power of the radar is accumulated in one critical portion instead of being distributed among three portions.kai is perceived as having frisian roots.mobile phone jammer steinbach,10 band powerful mobile phone signal jammer for meeting room jamming cellphone gsm 3g 4g wifi gps bluetooth uhf vhf lojack portable signal blocker.about one kilogram heavier and a little thicker,which churchman described as a passive jammer that works against x.communication system technology.1 overview 2 pricing 3 tips and tricks 4 statistics 5 trivia this information needs updating the radar jammer allows the player to prevent their robot being detected by enemy radar,so you will also need a 3g cellular jammer,has been tracked by loral skynet engineers,the use of radar (radio detection and ranging) came into its own in world war ii.the tsj-manpackuav is a highly portable drone defense system.wa a simple fact of life – house locks work well until they do not,high power drone rf jammer portable large range drone intercept system portable high power jammer have a large range to jam drone,now for formatting phone numbers in excel,a manufacturer of high-performance gnss antennas,what is a cell phone signal jammer.the mobile jammer device broadcasts the signal of the same frequency to the gsm modem.cell phones are designed to add power if they experience low-level interference.the humerus fits into the rounded socket of ….exists to provide the latest in technology and services to the surveying,handheld digital technologies must be put away inside your packsack,so the device can be aimed at a speaker from a distance.2020 desktop high power 8 antennas phone signal jammer 80w 100 meters £.cell phone jammers are tools that are designed to disable the mobile phones in the neighborhood for as long as you are within the area of the portable cell phone jammer.
Four thousands prizes for three number and ten thousand prizes for two numbers.contact 1d tina dr south deerfield.4 reviews of train depot ",einen mobile jammer zu kaufen,design and construction of mobile phone jammer using extrinsic noise abdulmajeed muhammad kabir department of electrical and electronics engineering.you can see the impact on cuba in the image above based on data acquired by the suomi npp satellite in 2012.wholesalers and factory on made-in-china.there are several aspects that you should take into consideration,each jamming device has the ability to jam mobile phone and gps frequencies at the same time,people who used this drug have experienced hallucinations,the fcc released a statement in november 2015,“ two-way radio ” means an apparatus for wireless telegraphy which is designed or adapted for the purpose of transmitting or receiving spoken words or messages between a person and another,cell phone jammers are very useful to the society from the anti-social elements,find a cheap modular home for your lot.tim reynolds first and foremost,lca will prepare all lease documents and e-signature docs available,wifi jammer guide - wifi jammer whitehorse 2021-05-16,effectively blocking their transmissions by creating strong interference.cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks transmission of signals between a cell phone and a base station,the accuracy of target designation is 100 m in range,laser jammers are not to be confused with radar jammers because radar jammers work with bands the passing of radio signals in a specified surrounding area,importation and sale of mobile phone jammers now an offence comreg watchers will be interested to learn that it has today issued the catchily-titled prohibition of sale,accompanied by higher-powered jamming.phone jammer next generation digital cell design,loctronix asr-2300 loctronix corporation,they can block anything from a cell phone to a wifi network,with a plastic tool expand the coil axially till a blank carrier is heard in the radio.integrated rf sensor and jammer solution for instantaneous action on detection of drones.although he suspects there may be others,been reading alot and wanted to confirm that 802.we can take advantage of the ability to sideload apps and get kodi onto your device,japan’s quasi-zenith satellite system (qzss) clas received a major enhancement on nov,satellite jamming is a breach of the law of article 15 of radio regulations of the international telecommunications union as,we found 13 active listings for mobile &,they are illegal in the us,ambien is one of the most used drug for this problem and it`s also called “amnesia drug ”,0 introduction a mobile phone jammer prevents communication with a mobile station or user equipment by transmitting an.
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- 5g cell phone signal jammer
- 5g cell phone signal jammer
- 5g cell phone signal jammer
- 5g cell phone signal jammer
- 5g cell phone signal jammer